Friday, February 22, 2019

Lent with Take Up & Read

I've linked to them here a couple of times before but I wanted to seize the opportunity to tell you more about them right before Lent begins. With just under two weeks until Ash Wednesday, there’s still time to pick a study and get it in the mail before Lent begins! It's my greatest joy to share something so beautiful with you.

Take Up & Read takes its name from St Augustine's Confessions. What they are are Scripture studies written by women for women (although I suspect that men could be very blessed by them, too!) featuring Lectio Divina, a daily written essay and plenty of space for journaling. Your copy is yours so you can do with it what you want! In mine, I sometimes answer all the writing prompts and sometimes don't. I sometimes doodle, oftentimes color,  sometimes plan... there might even be the basis of some blog posts in their pages. I admit that I was skeptical of them initially for reasons I had against Lectio Divina (I had memories from high school of doing Lectio in a group setting that I was not fond of) but after doing their study on the Rosary (Ponder) I changed my mind completely and I've participated in every study since!

This post is dedicated to their ministry because they have borne such great fruit in my life and I want so dearly to share that with you. From deepening my devotion to the Rosary to exploring what the Bible has to say about friendship, to understanding the Parables a little bit better and more, these studies have become an ever increasing beautiful part of my relationship with God.

Here are the studies I would encourage you to consider for Lent:

Hosanna - this is their newest study. It is a walk with St. Matthew and Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew. Perfect for anyone who wants to get to know intimately a particular Gospel as it truly digs in to understanding sometimes even just a phrase at a time. This study is from Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday.

Above All - This is a big book that is also designed for Lent and it takes you from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. The founder of Take Up & Read calls this the “KonMari” of the Lent books of Take Up & Read. You are going to uncover and clean out every corner of your soul. Hard, deep and intense but so satisfying.

Consider the Lilies - Not a Lent book, per se, but it is a 6 week study. This is the first Take Up & Read book, perfect for the one who is going through times of trial to immerse themselves in the consolation, comfort, and hope found in Scripture.

Flourish - Only 4 weeks so it won’t work for you every day during Lent, but maybe that’s perfect for you? This is a study on the book of Romans, going deep similar to the way Hosanna goes into Matthew.

Ponder - Lastly, Ponder is a 4 week study on the Mysteries of the Rosary. Shorter, like Flourish so you can go even more at your own pace, Ponder guides you through Lectio Divina on each of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary. The Rosary is, as we know, most simply a bible study on a string and to study the events of Christ’s life leading up to the Resurrection and then going beyond would be a beautiful way to prepare your heart for the surprise of the Resurrection.

Each of these studies utilizes Lectio Divina (possibly with the exception of Consider the Lilies. I’m not sure because I’ve never done it before and it’s not spelled out on Amazon) and is just a beautiful way to incorporate more Scripture and prayer into your everyday life. I love them and am so happy to share them with you. Please consider purchasing one for your Lenten journey and be blessed. Like, richly blessed. Because God wouldn’t have it any other way.

If extra support and accountability is your cup of tea, they’ve got you covered! You can follow Take Up & Read on Facebook and Instagram where they share daily inspiration as we journey through a study. Although they’ve intentionally invited followers to really pray about and ponder which study to do this Lent, I’m quite sure they’ll continue to post on their social media to inspire us to keep on keepin on!

These are not affiliate links nor did Take Up & Read ask me to write and share this post. This is purely my love of their ministry and eagerness to share the joy their studies have given me with you.

Oh, hey, friends! If you’re reading this and you’ve done Take Up & Read studies before, leave a comment here and tell other readers why they should choose one of these studies this Lent. Let’s gather round and support each other!

Here’s to living abundantly!
Let’s stay in touch! Instagram: @sarahloutherese