Saturday, January 16, 2021

Pandemic Piano: Becoming Quite Good at Playing Quite Simply

This past week has been incredibly stressful since we've had to get through our first COVID case at work. And, yes, while it is remarkable that we've been open since August 2020 and this is our very first case, it's no less stressful. We've learned a lot in the last few days - so many of the "we'll cross that bridge when we get there" questions of the last 6 months have been answered this week - but I also get the feeling that everyone does and doesn't want to know right now what's going to happen over the next 10 days regarding whether or not there'll be a spread or if we've successfully kept the case contained (so far, everything points to the latter). I'm hopeful that it'll blow over smoothly and we can soon resume as usual, incredibly thankful that all of the extra measures we've implemented due to COVID seem to be working.

And now that I have a moment's rest, I'd love to share about my newest toy - the timing of which could not have been better with the stress that I experienced this week with the COVID case. 

There's no hiding my passion for music and, while I know that I'm primarily a violinist, it brings me great joy to be able to play several other instruments also. High on that list for me is learning piano.

The possibility of playing piano began in high school when my violin teacher asked me if I'd like to also learn piano. Her proposal was back-to-back music lessons: 30 minutes with violin, then 30 minutes with piano. I couldn't say no! Sadly, our hour-long music lessons were discontinued before I got very far at all but the seed of interest had, nonetheless, been planted.

My parents have a piano and, fast forwarding to life as I currently know it, so do my housemates. The problem was that I have the downstairs apartment in our home and I know that if I'm to make any progress on piano, then I need to spend 20-30 of even the most frustrating, I-feel-like-I'm-not-getting-anywhere minutes every day playing a little bit; I just don't know my housemate's schedule well enough with how it compares to mine to be able to go upstairs every evening to accomplish my goal. 

I then realized that I ought to have a keyboard in my own space that I can play comfortably and confidently whenever the heck I want to. So I did some research and talked with some of my music friends for their advice. One of them was so excited by my interest and enthusiasm that she literally gifted me the money that she otherwise would have spent on bands and events were it not for a pandemic. She also had an extra piano bench that she gave me... thereby paying for 50% of what I ended up spending to buy the keyboard that I wanted.

Now I have a beautiful Yamaha keyboard and a beginner's music book of The Sound of Music; I'm hoping, possibly with some coaching from my housemate who plays far better than I probably ever will, to become quite good at playing quite simply. I put the keyboard against a wall in my bedroom and my goal is to use it for 20-30 minutes every day as a relaxant either after work/before dinner or before bed... or both! The chances of this happening are actually fairly great: it's amazing how powerful instrument cases (guitars, violins, etc.) are in dissuading one from playing. But with a keyboard, all I have to do is press the power button and it's ready to roll! I can even press another button that says "demo playing" if I want to hear the keyboard played to me first for a little more inspiration and peace before I start practicing. How cool is that!?

As a starting point, my monthly goal will be to become very good at playing one new song every month. If more, great! But should that be the case, it'll be a fruit of the joy of playing.

Oh, and I am one of those musicians who name my instruments. The keyboard is Annie after St. Anne and after my friend who helped me purchase the right keyboard for me. Her name is not Annie but is similar to it. 

Ss Anne and Cecilia, and all Saints and Angels in Heaven,

pray for us!

I am no longer able to allow comments on individual posts but feel free to email your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you! Keep your heart up!